Name: Deuschle, Tom
Alter: 19
Studiengang, Semester: Lehramt Englisch/Geschichte, 1
Motivation: Ich bin jetzt zwar erst in meinem ersten Semester hier, habe aber trotzdem große Motivation mich bei der Fachschaft einzubringen.
Ich habe generell spaß daran Events und Treffen zu organisieren und hoffe, dass ich mich in der Fachschaft einbringen kann.
Name: Doroshko, Viktoriia
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester: North American Literary and Cultural Studies (M.A.), 4
Motivation: I love socializing and spending time with people. In this digital age, it can be quite challenging to connect in person. That’s why I want to facilitate this process by bringing people together and creating a comfortable space for everyone. Students are a unique and diverse group, and I’m excited about the possibility of making the Student Council a productive environment. I have many ideas on how we, as a team, can transform our university into a truly creative space where our ideas can inspire change!
Name: Gerguri, Leandra
Alter: 22
Studiengang, Semester: Lehramt, 3
Motivation: Ich würde gerne ein Teil der Fachschaft sein, da ich mich gerne für andere einsetze, gerne anderen helfe und gerne verschiedene Dinge organisiere. Ich finde Fachschaft ist ein sehr wichtiges Netzwerk an der Universität, wobei es nicht nur darum geht, sich gegenseitig zu helfen, sondern auch sich zu verknüpfen. Vor allem dieser Punkt ist mir wichtig.
Name: Ilanlou, Ali
Alter: 25
Studiengang, Semester: English Linguistics, 2
Motivation: I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in English Linguistics and am enthusiastic about helping others navigate and thrive in our department. With an outgoing personality and a strong commitment to fostering a supportive academic environment, I am eager to dedicate my time to enhancing the student council’s efforts.
Whether it involves organizing events, guiding students in finding their place within the department, or helping them connect with the university and its instructors, I am ready to contribute meaningfully. I believe this role will not only allow me to support my peers but also provide me with an opportunity for personal growth.
I look forward to bringing my enthusiasm and dedication to the student council and making a positive impact on our department.
Name: Jemiai, Eya
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester: HF : English: Linguistics, Literatures, and Cultures (B.A.) | NF: Kunst- und Bildwissenschaft (B.A.), 3
Motivation: Ich habe über das letzte Jahr das Engagement und die Motivation der Fachschaft bemerkt und dachte mir, es wäre eine gute Idee mitzumachen.
Ich möchte dazu beitragen, dass sich Studierende sicher fühlen und ihnen helfen, sollten sie auf Schwierigkeiten stoßen.
Name: Michel, Emilie
Alter: 19
Studiengang, Semester: Lehramt Englisch und Philosophie, 1
Motivation: I enjoy my field of study and want to improve the learning experience for everyone. I’m excited to bring fresh ideas and represent our interests. I’m also a big fan of organizing parties!
Name: Moosavi, Shaghayegh
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester: English Linguistics MA, 1
Motivation: Having immersed myself in the English department by managing the Student Council’s Instagram account and helping to organize the Christmas party, I’ve found a genuine passion for contributing to our community. I believe my involvement can enhance the experience of fellow students, especially new arrivals of English Linguistics. As a council member, I could be a go-to person for guidance regarding how to pick courses and which professors to turn to. I am also very excited about the council’s plans for slam poetry competitions, and can’t wait to help make them happen.