Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie

Name: Bahceci, Ruveyda Betül
Alter: 24
Studiengang, Semester:
Language Science and Technology, 3
Motivation: I would like represent my department and help the students.

Name: Bingert, Eileen
Alter: 22
Studiengang, Semester:
MA Translation Science and Technology, 1
Motivation: Hallo, Ich studiere im ersten Semester im Master Translation Science and Technology. Mit meiner Kandidatur für den Fachschaftsrat möchte ich mich dafür einsetzen, dass auch die Probleme und Interessen der BA und MA Studierenden innerhalb der Fachschaft eine Stimme finden können. Hello, I am a first semester MA Translation Science and Technology student. I want to be a part of the student council to ensure that the problems and interests of the BA and MA students are properly acknowledged.

Name: Dsouza, Anthony John
Alter: 22
Studiengang, Semester:
Master, 1
Motivation: Baking heaps of cakes—need happy eaters! 🍰 Interested?

Name: Eckels, Cedric
Alter: 25
Studiengang, Semester:
Computerlinguistik, 3
Motivation: I’m interested in joining the student council because I’d like to get more involved in student life on campus. I think it is a great way to connect and collaborate with peers to create a welcoming environment for both current students in our department as well as prospective students. I consider this to be a chance to contribute towards improving our quality of life at university while at the same time gaining valuable personal experience.

Name: Fonseca Lage, Lucas
Alter: 30
Studiengang, Semester:
Language Science and Technology, 5
Motivation: I’m motivated to help students get around this programm and organize events do people can socialize and have a good time during their studies

Name: Hoppe, Jona
Alter: 19
Studiengang, Semester:
Computerlinguistik B.Sc., 3
Motivation: Hey there, I’m looking forward to planning cool events and to advocating for your interests as Coli students (especially for the bachelor’s). Biggest strength: I’m a team player and enjoy working together with others. Make CoLi great again 🙂 🪳

Name: Hülshoff, Tim
Alter: 21
Studiengang, Semester:
CoLi, 1
Motivation: mediate between profs and students, eat cookies, optimise study environment

Name: Hyek, Christopher
Alter: 29
Studiengang, Semester:
Language Science and Technology MSc, 5
Motivation: I want to further improve the accessibility that my department provides and improve the on-boarding process for students who otherwise struggle to integrate into Germany.

Name: Jost, Léon Maurice
Alter: 24
Studiengang, Semester:
Language Science, 3
Motivation: Ich möchte dem Fachschaftsrat beitreten, da es dort seit Langem keine richtige Repräsentation für Language Science gibt. Mir ist mehrmals aufgefallen, dass sich dadurch die Kommunikation zwischen unserem FSR, den Professoren und den Studierenden oft als schwierig erweist und Language Science von den restlichen Studiengängen “abgeschottet” ist. Ich halte es für unerlässlich für das Wachstum von Language Science, Studierenden einen Kommunikationsweg zu bieten, um das Ansprechen und Lösen zukünftiger Probleme zu erleichtern. I’d like to join the student council, because it has long been lacking in representation for Language Science. I have noticed repeatedly, that as a consequence, communication between the council, professors and students is often very difficult, and that our programme seems to be “disconnected” from the rest of the department. I believe it is vital for the continued growth of Language Science to establish an easier and more efficient channel of communication to improve the speed at which future problems are addressed and solved.

Name: Lee, Tyler
Alter: 26
Studiengang, Semester:
Sprachwissenschaften und Sprachtechnologie, 1
Motivation: My goal is to ensure a welcoming and supportive community among the students in the department. Like our sturdy coat rack holding up the weight of our coats, I will uphold these responsibilities of a member of student council by scheduling engaging get-togethers and listening to your needs and concerns. I love when people come together, have fun and support each other, and I hope to promote that kind of environment if I am elected.

Name: Minov, Artem
Alter: 21
Studiengang, Semester:
Computerlinguistik (B.Sc), 1
Motivation: I enjoy participating in student organisations and want to cotribute directly through our Student Council

Name: Rouvalis, Andreas
Alter: 28
Studiengang, Semester:
Language Science and Technology, 3

Name: Sagimbayeva, Nursulu
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester:
Master’s, 3
Motivation: As a foreign student and a person coming to Computer Science from a linguistics background, I felt confused and had many questions in the beginning. Now, being in my second year of studies, I can’t say the direction is perfectly clear either – but I have some ideas that I would have found helpful/interesting/fun back then. Hence, why not to try it?

Name: Sarrof, Yash Raj
Alter: 24
Studiengang, Semester:
Masters in Language Science and Technology, 1
Motivation: Our department has a significant number of international students and I believe that my strong communication skills, empathy, and ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds make me an ideal candidate for being in the Student Council. I am confident that I can effectively represent the concerns and aspirations of everyone in my department, ensuring that their needs are addressed. I am committed to fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all students. I am eager to collaborate with fellow council members and the university administration to implement initiatives that engender a sense of fraternity amongst everyone in the department and ensures that everyone has a pleasant time during their respective study programmes.

Name: Seyfried, Amelie
Alter: 21
Studiengang, Semester:
Computerlinguistik, 3
Motivation: Ich würde gerne mithelfen, die Gemeinschaft in unserem Fachbereich aufzubauen und zu erhalten, weil mir das wichtig ist. Zum Beispiel würde ich gerne Verstaltungen mitorganisieren, die uns alle zusammenbringen, Erstemester willkommen heißen, für Fragen da sein und daran arbeiten, dass es in den Studiengängen glatt läuft. Ich hoffe, dass ich meinen Teil tun kann, um die Studienerfahrung von allen ein bisschen besser zu machen 🙂 ________________________________ I would like to help build and maintain the community we have within our department because it’s important to me. For example I’d like to help organise events that bring us all together, welcome first semester students, be there for questions and work to make everyone’s study courses run smoothly. I hope I can do my part to make the study experience a bit better for everyone 🙂

Name: Sonkin, Mikhail
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester:
Computational Linguistics, 3
Motivation: Hi everyone! My government name might be Mikhail but you probably know me as Misha 🙂 I have been studying here for a year and a half now and I have been very inspired by the work the Student Council™️ has been doing. I would be more than happy to help bring this community together!

Name: Tunjic, Matijas
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester:
Language Science, 5
Motivation: Ich möchte mithelfen, den Studiengang Language Science besser in die Fachrichtung zu integrieren, vor allem im Bezug auf die Kommunikation zwischen den Studenten, der Fachschaft und Dozenten. Außerdem möchte ich mich an der Organisation unserer Events beteiligen.

Name: Veitsman, Yana
Alter: 23
Studiengang, Semester:
MSc Language Science and Technology, 1
Motivation: While doing my Bachelor’s, thanks to my university, I was able to fully understand the power of a vibrant multi-cultural community coming together. I believe that being on the student council of our department, where students come from all over the world, will help me recreate the same or even better energy and vibe in our community here. Being a member of the student council, I will be paying precise attention to the needs of the students of our department, including their academic and personal goals, and will try my best to support them in their journey.

Name: Wehner, Alexander
Alter: 26
Studiengang, Semester:
Computerlinguistik BSc, 5

Name: Weyen, Jack “The Hammer”
Alter: 30
Studiengang, Semester:
Langiage Science and Technology, 5
Motivation: I’m here to get things *fun*. (Seriously please vote for me, I need this job to feed my kids*) *baby goats